
One of my favorite works. It was an open brief from AXA Insurance company where we should offer an idea for road safety. After a quick consideration, we decided to focus our attention on the “don’t text and drive” idea because, according to statistics, it’s the number one reason for road accidents worldwide. But instead of frightening people, we decided to show it from an unexpected side… The work received many awards, including Gold at Red Dot Festival (Video category). 

 It was a part of a launching campaign for Carling on Ukrainian market. 

We received a brief — we had to develop a campaign for a legendary Turbo chewing gum that was back on the market. The thing is — for a lot of people in Ukraine, it was the first chewing gum they ever tasted. So we had to develop an idea that would bring them back in the 1990-s, but with no sad nostalgia, only maximum fun. Just take a look at what we did. The tagline says: “Remember the taste of your first ever chewing gum!”

A part of a launch campaign for the LetGo app. Buying and selling staff is even easier than dancing! 
